Steering Committee

Members of the Winstanley Steering Committee meet the community for the first time at the Public Kickoff meeting in December 2018.

In October of 2018, the planning team announced forming Steering Committee for the Winstanley Community Plan. Announced through social media and through community partners in East St. Louis, Illinois, the process generated 21 applicants seeking to fill 10 spots.

The evaluation process for applicants included submitting an application followed by telephone interviews.  In order to serve on the Steering Committee, applicants had to be a resident, local business owner, or member of a community-based organization serving the area in some capacity. Further, applicants had to demonstrate leadership and commitment to the community. This could include:

  • Organizing formal or informal neighborhood block events
  • Other community members often looking to them for information and guidance
  • Alerting government or officials to broken street lights, potholes, trash overflow, etc.
  • Being active in a block watch group, resident or local business association or other neighborhood-based group

The selection process focused on racial and age diversity, areas of expertise and interests. This was designed to help bring a variety of perspectives and experiences to help engage, educate and empower the process.  After the selection process, the following members were selected:

  • Antwoinette Ayers
  • Gerry Bolden
  • LaRhonda Coleman
  • Corliss Harlen-Dodds
  • Isaiah Haynes
  • Derrick Maxwell
  • Carroll Mizicko
  • Patresa Parker
  • Sherry Davidson
  • Jamoznee Williams

The Steering Committee will guide each phase of this community planning process with support from the planning team. Members will help ensure the voice and opinions of the community are incorporated into the overall vision and plan.

The duties include:

  • Attending five to eight Steering Committee meetings over the planning process
  • Bring other residents and local community members into the planning process through public meetings, surveys and other means to be identified by the members of the Steering Committee
  • Contribute their expertise and thinking to the development of the community process and plan

On November 29, the planning team hosted the new members of the Steering Committee to begin their on-board for the planning process.  The following was the agenda:

  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. Background and Alignment with Other Community Initiatives
  3. Overview of Initiative and Steering Committee Responsibilities
    1. Defining Community Planning
    2. Community Planning Initiative
    3. Steering Committee Responsibilities
  4. Timeline



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