Above: Members of the planning team from Rise Community Development meet with the Winstanley Steering Committee
Thursday, November 29, 2018 the Steering Committee held its first working meeting. Rise facilitated a meeting with the Steering Committee to outline dates and places for all future Steering Committee meetings as well as community meetings and workshops.
Second on the agenda included a presentation of the upcoming public kickoff meeting. The Steering Committee had the opportunity to advise Rise on revisions they thought would provide more clarity for the community and that would provide an enhanced community engagement experience to bolster enthusiasm and understanding for planning and the intended efforts for the community to work collectively.
Next on the agenda was a discussion on outreach and the Steering Committee’s thoughts on various approaches to help obtain as much community input as possible. For homework, Rise asked members of the Steering Committee to each send a list of contacts and email addresses of individuals they knew who should be added to the master communications list.