
Brian Hurd at Pop-Up Station

Pop-Up Station #1 – Personal Touch

On Saturday April 6th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Rise hosted the first of two planned pop-up stations. The pop-up station was held at Personal Touch Boutique, a local business within the planning area, owned by Winstanley Steering Committee member Derrick Maxwell.Residents and community stakeholders were able to complete a survey based on the four themes of the plan, which are: Economic Mobility, Residential Vitality, Public Realm, and Social Well-Being.

Attendees at Public Meeting #4 filling out priority ranking sheets

Community Workshop #4: Themes and Goals

The fourth community workshop was held at New Salem Place Apartments.  This workshop was one of the most highly attended workshops over the course of community engagement activities.  Many residents participated who had not attended previous community engagement events.  The workshop produced robust discussion that generated key concepts and ideas. The engagement stimulated informative and productive conversations.

John Cruz talks housing cost burden

Community Workshop #3: Housing

Community members were provided information on the Winstanley Plan website and were given a survey to gather more data on the communities housing needs. The workshop session engaged the community and many of the members in attendance were very vocal and provided valuable insight on solutions for a revitalized and sustainable community.

Derrick Maxwell

Steering Committee #3: December 20, 2018

The Steering Committee meeting involved each member sharing their thoughts about effectiveness of the planning activity that focused on identifying strengths, weaknesses and challenges.  Further, each member self-reflected on their individual outreach efforts in getting members of the public to attend the kickoff meeting. 

Steering Committee

Selection and On-Boarding of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will guide each phase of this community planning process with support from the planning team. Members will help ensure the voice and opinions of the community are incorporated into the overall vision and plan. On November 29, the planning team hosted the new members of the Steering Committee to begin their on-board for the planning process.